Congratulations to Dawn Amodio! She's the winner of an official 'Emergency Eats' apron and a matching set of The Lady in Red's signature sangria glasses! Thanks to everyone who participated! Cheers!
So did you get your submission in for the Submit Your Sangria contest? All drinks with fruit in them count. They can be cocktails, mocktails, a glass of wine garnished with a grape.... Best photo wins an official Emergency Eats apron and a matching set of The Lady in Red's signature sangria glasses! The polls open up for votes on 9/16. Deadline for submitting photos on The Lady in Red's Facebook page is 9/15/12 at midnight EST.
I love sangria in the summer. Technically, it's still summer here until late September, so I'm all about sipping fruity deliciousness in the sun.
For those of you who are new to my blog, I feature all original recipes in addition to my regular must-be-"red" ramblings, and have this awesome chef on board that contributes a monthly feature called Emergency Eats. Chef Jeff's signature dishes have inspired this ultra cool apron, and I'm serving up some of my signature sangria glasses with it to the winner because you'll need something to drink to wash down his delicious dishes.
So get your submissions in! Watch for the polls to open up on 9/16 and then go rally up your votes from friends, family, or fuzzy ones! Cheers!