I’ve been approached with products from time-to-time to take a look at, but I don’t pick up everything thrown (or sent) my way. (Hey, if it arrives UPS or FedEx, sometimes it’s literally thrown at my doorstep, so I’ve become a pretty good receiver or catcher, depending on the season of the sport.)
As women, (or maybe even as some men), you know the dreaded deal when you are boxed into wearing the STRAPLESS BRA. The restricting underwire. The chronic tug-of-war: it slides down, you pull it up – 200,000 times per hour. But the outfit (fashion before comfort!) requires a strapless breast lifter, a device no-doubt invented by a man, so you have an elegant display of cleavage and a modicum of support. So you cave in, suck it up, and wear the darn thing.
But! Wouldn’t it be light years better if you could get away with wearing a regular bra, one where you weren’t embarrassed to show off the straps? Where you could wear a comfortable, uplifting, supportive, sexy showcaser of your assets that you could tweak so the straps actually improved the outfit!??!
I kid you not. It’s real. You can do this. Read on.

[Photos Courtesy of Perteh]
I’ve seen imitations, which stick onto lingerie, or are paper thin and only are reusable 1 – 2 times. Perteh’s bra strap covers are quality and snap around your straps so they stay on and come off with ease. They are infinitely reusable. Besides making you feel good when wearing them, every purchase does a lot of good, too.
Approximately 10% of all proceeds are donated to support a Sierra Leone foundation dedicated to serving the educational and medical needs of its people. In addition to the foundation, the company supports educational initiatives in the impoverished communities of Sierra Leone via four schools, so students are given resources and opportunities to catch up with their educated peers, scholarships, and use an American curriculum.
Vicky Conteh, one of the founders of Perteh, adopted a little boy from Sierra Leone after a three year process, so this cause is very close to her heart.
I tried the Paris Nights ruffled black style and take a look at the results!
First of all, I got to change the look of my strapless bustier. When I wore a regular black bra with straps under it, instead of a strapless torture device, it looked kind of blah.
I fastened the Paris Nights black strap covers over each side and it instantly glammed up the look.
The addition of Perteh’s bra strap covers enhanced my bustier by actually making it look like it was a different piece altogether! I loved the chiffon fabric; it made me feel all fancy. It was soft and comfortable. No one knew that my shoulder straps weren’t part of the original plan either!
The bonus: I didn’t have to suffer an evening out wearing an uncomfortable strapless bra with this baby. And when I was done, my bra easily went back to basic when I unsnapped the covers off of each strap, and my bustier resumed its normal appearance.
If you’d like to try mixing and matching your own look, Perteh suggests measuring one size up as it’s better to buy the larger size as it tucks into your shirt. You’d rather go long than come up short.
And as Perteh’s gift to you and your best assets, they are offering 15% off your purchase of bra strap décor if you enter the coupon code THELADYINRED at checkout!
Did I mention that they are excited to offer their bra strap décor at Sears now, too?
Oh, and in the future, they are revolutionizing the basic bra. Designer Myra Crouch is very excited about her innovation.
“The bra is designed with the straps altered to accept the fastening means,” explains Myra. So you can take your bra strap décor and snap right into the straps to change the look of the basic bra if you desire.
Of course, you can just glam up your existing wardrobe of bras with the Perteh bra strap décor alone.
Perteh is offering one lucky TheLadyinRedBlog reader a set of Paris Nights bra strap décor in black (size Medium)! You can enter the giveaway below. And don’t worry, you can still purchase any style of your choice for 15% off with the coupon code THELADYINRED!
Enjoy feeling “Perteh!” :)
Follow Perteh on Twitter @Perteh1
Get your bra strap decor right here! http://perteh.com/