Sometimes you gotta let Godzilla roast your marshmallows… (video below)
Vic has been cast in the new romantic comedy “Who’s Jenna Jameson?” as Steve Bower – a client of the bossy-boss character Joe Barcia (played by actor Garry Pastore) who’s got a thing for golf, and has a rather interesting opinion about things…. (You’ll have to see the movie to find out more!)
Other times, you gotta get out to a fun place like Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club in Point Pleasant, NJ and be the funny guy that packs the house as a comic.
Oh, the different facets of actor-comedian Vic Dibitetto’s life!
You know Vic Dibitetto as the funny comic from Staten Island; and most recently you’ve seen him on the big screen in Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 as Gino Chizetti – actually it’s in theatres right now! But he’s got a secret. And he told me what it is.
And sometimes you gotta show up on the big screen with a role in the new movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

Besides sold out shows, it certainly seems that Vic’s acting career is taking off!
But don’t worry! He’s not leaving the stage anytime soon!
“I love making people laugh. I’m always told by people ‘I had a rough day. You got me away from my problems,’ Vic shared with me before his sold out performance this past Saturday night.
He’s been in several films, but his most recent part in Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 has been his favorite role so far.
“I play Gino Chizetti in Mall Cop 2. It wasn’t acting! I was basically being a guy from Staten Island!” he said as he smiled. You can just tell he enjoyed breathing life into the character.
When filming, Vic was in Las Vegas for six weeks.
“It was filmed at Wynn. Wynn is the best hotel out there,” he shared.
With his performances coming up, including one on June 13th at Miami Mike’s in East Hannover, NJ, and a return to Uncle Vinnie’s for a fundraiser the next day on June 14th, he still makes time to relax. When he has a day off, most couldn’t guess what he likes to do.
“Believe it or not, gardening. I enjoy the simple things in life,” he told me.
Vic vs. Nature in his garden – Chipmunk Rigatoni anyone? :)
Speaking of food, if Vic had a last meal, it would not be Chipmunk Rigatoni.
“It would be linguini with white clam sauce, and fried calamari, and a glass of red wine. If the jail has a sound system – Bocelli music playing in the background,” he divulged.
[Now I’m hungry! But you gotta love Vic’s assumption that his last meal would be in jail! LOL]
With all he’s accomplished, and his star taking off on the big screen, he still has a few things on his bucket list that he wants to do before he has that last meal.
“Travel. See the world. I’d like a spot on the Jimmy Fallon show and a sitcom on TV! I haven’t done that yet!” he says as his face lights up with enthusiasm.
You never know what his future holds!
Vic’s parting words: “See you in September, like the song goes!” - when I'll see him on set for the new romantic comedy “Who’s Jenna Jameson?”

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And go see him in Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 in theatres right now!!
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